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Harvest Hosts Winery
Central Lake, MI
Under 20ft
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The land we are on today has been owned by the same family for over 100 years. Cellar 1914 was created to celebrate that. Our Great Grandpa Shooks purchased this land in 1914 with the intention of starting a cherry farm. With the 60 acres that he purchased, that is exactly what he did. We encourage you to come out and enjoy the wines, tour not just the production facility, but the 1,100 acres that we own. In 2015 Shooks Farms planted 10 acres of wine grapes. NY81 which is a Reisling/Cayuga White hybrid, Vignoles, Baco Noir, Marechal Foch, La Crescent and Frontenac Blanc. Due to our location in regards to Lake Michigan, we believe that these varieties will thrive for years to come... And so far this is proving to be true. The second year (2016) we were able to harvest six tons of grapes, and quality and quantity continues to climb. This year, the production facility and tasting room were constructed and have allowed us to create a space to make and serve our own wine, as well as to tell our story. We have been a family farm since 1914 and we do not see that changing anytime soon. Wine, Hard Cider, U-Pick Cherries During Season (July). Park in grass area across from main blue building.
Pets Allowed
Picnic/Patio Area
Parking & Arrival
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Max Rig Size:
Under 20 ft
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